privacy policy

<Matters to be publicized based on the Personal Information Protection Law>

With regard to our privacy policy, the following items should be disclosed based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003; hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"). We will disclose as follows. Terms such as personal information and third parties in this publication are in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law. In addition, there may be separate provisions regarding the handling of personal information in the provision of products and services provided by each of the brands of this company, so please also check those statements. Please ...

  1. Name of business operator handling personal information and person in charge of personal information management

Martinos Priscilla Ayaka

  1. Purpose of use of personal information

(1) Personal information handled by this business is as follows.

  1. Personal information about you
  2. Information written on various slips related to sales operations such as product reserve, delivery, repair, and ordering
  3. Information provided through customer cards, questionnaires, etc.
  4. Information generated from product purchases, card usage, etc.
  5. Information generated by online sales
  6. To the website established by our company or individual brands of this company, such as e-mail magazines and inquiry forms

information provided by accessing

  1. Other information lawfully collected by fair means
  2. Personal information about business partners
  3. Information stated in trading account opening documents, contracts, and memorandums of understanding
  4. Other information lawfully collected by fair means
  5. Personal information about shareholders
  6. Information recorded in the shareholder register
  7. Other information lawfully collected by fair means
  8. Personal information on recruitment/recruitment applicants, internship applicants, and retirees
  9. Documents submitted at the time of recruitment/recruitment or application for an internship, and information written in the contract at the time of recruitment or the internship contract
  10. Information generated during the period of employment with the Company, information stated in the employment contract
  11. Other information lawfully collected by fair means

  1. Provision of personal information to third parties

1. The Company will not provide the personal information of the person to a third party except in the following cases.

  1. When there is consent of the person himself/herself
  2. When required by law
  3. When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
  4. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  5. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and ordinances, and with the consent of the person concerned, When there is a risk of hindrance

2. The Company may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In this case, the Company will be responsible for selecting the contractor and will supervise the contractor as necessary and appropriately, such as clearly stating personal information protection measures in the consignment details regarding the management of personal information.

3.The Company shall, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, provide personal information such as the customer's name, address, date of birth, gender, occupation, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, product purchase history, etc. may be used jointly with our group companies. In this case, the Company will be responsible for the management of personal information.

a. The group companies of this company shall be consolidated subsidiaries listed on our website.

4. The Company shall provide personal information to the successor of the business in connection with the succession of the business due to a merger or other reasons.

may occur.

  1. How to make a request for disclosure of personal information

(1) Definition of “disclosure of personal information, etc.”

Here, "disclosure of personal information, etc." means disclosure of personal information, notification of purpose of use, correction/addition/deletion of personal information, suspension of use/deletion/third means suspension of provision of personal information to third parties.

(2) Personal information that can be requested for disclosure, etc.

The personal information subject to the request is limited to "retained personal data" stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Law.

(3) Contact for requests for disclosure, etc.

Requests for disclosure of personal information, etc. should be made directly to the contact point of the Company where the customer registered and provided personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "registration contact point"). If you do not know who to contact for registration, please contact the Company's "Inquiry Desk" described below to make a request for disclosure, etc.

The contents described in 4 to 6 below describe the procedures, etc., when requesting the disclosure of personal information, etc.

Regarding procedures for requesting disclosure of personal information, etc., to the registration desk, please confirm with the respective registration desk and follow the procedures.

(4) Documents to be submitted when requesting disclosure of personal information, etc.

  1. If you make a request for disclosure of personal information, notification of purpose of use, etc., we will send you a disclosure request form. Please apply by mail to the "Inquiry Desk". Disclosure and notification of the purpose of use will be made by sending a written document by registered mail to the address of the person who can be confirmed by each request form and identification document.

  2. If you make a request for correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to a third party, etc. of personal information, we will send you a request for correction, etc. Please fill out the required items in the form and send it to the "Inquiry Desk" of this company by mail. We will make corrections, etc. to the extent that we can confirm that it is the personal information of the person himself/herself based on each request form and identification documents. A method of sending the results of corrections, etc. of personal information (including the results of corrections, etc. that could not be made) to the address of the individual who has been confirmed by each request form and identity verification documents by delivery-recorded mail. I will contact you by Also, please note that if you delete, stop using, or stop providing to a third party your personal information, you may not be able to receive the services you are currently using.

  3. We will not return each request form and identity verification documents that you have submitted. We will properly manage each invoice. Personal identification documents will be discarded by our company after a certain period of time has passed.

  4. In order to confirm the contents of each bill and identity verification documents, the business operator may contact the person himself/herself or his/her agent by telephone or other means.

5. Disclosure of personal information, fees for requesting notification of purpose of use, etc.

A fee of 500 yen (not including consumption tax) will be collected for each request for disclosure of personal information and notification of purpose of use. Please note that if we notify you by mail, etc., we may charge a separate actual cost. When mailing the Disclosure Request Form, please enclose a 550-yen stamp or fixed-amount postal money order.

6. Those who can request disclosure of personal information

Persons who can request the disclosure of personal information are the person himself (the person identified by the personal information subject to disclosure of personal information) and the agent (such as a legal representative). In addition, when requesting disclosure of personal information, etc., we will ask you to submit documents to confirm that the person making the request is the person himself/herself or his/her agent. Please note that if the submitted documents are incomplete, we will not be able to respond to requests such as disclosure of personal information.

Contents to be confirmed and necessary confirmation documents when requesting disclosure of personal information, etc.

  1. If the person requesting disclosure of personal information is the person himself/herself

⇒ Only the confirmation documents listed in the following table [identity verification documents] are required to confirm the identity of the person.

2. If the person requesting disclosure of personal information is an agent

⇒ All the documents listed in (a) to (c) below are required.

A. Confirmation documents listed in the following table [Identification documents] as confirmation of identity

B. Confirmation documents listed in the following table [identity verification documents] as confirmation of the agent himself/herself

C. Confirmation documents listed in the table below [documents for confirmation of power of attorney] to confirm the existence of power of attorney

[Identity verification documents] (The same applies to the identity verification documents of the proxy.) Of the documents listed in 1 to 11 below, one copy for 1 to 4, and two copies for 5 to 11. Please prepare.

  1. Copy of driver's license
  2. Copy of passport
  3. Copy of basic resident registration card with photo
  4. Copy of alien registration certificate
  5. Copy of various health insurance cards
  6. Copies of various pension handbooks
  7. Copies of welfare handbooks
    (Note) However, this is limited to those that have not expired or are currently valid. (Note) In addition, it is necessary to be able to confirm your name, address, and date of birth.
  8. Seal registration certificate (stamped with the seal in the margin)
  9. Family register copy or extract
  10. Certificate of residence
  11. Alien registration certificate
    (Note) However, it is limited to those within 3 months after issuance.

[Authority confirmation documents]

■In the case of an agent by delegation A power of attorney from the principal (the seal of the principal and the seal registration certificate of the seal must be attached.)

■In the case of a legal representative Documents that certify legal representation (family register, guardian's registered information certificate, etc.) In the case of a person with parental authority, a resident card or health insurance card that shows the relationship or dependents is acceptable. .)

(Note) The seal registration certificate, family register, guardian registration certificate, and resident card listed in this table must be issued within 3 months.

  1. Review of privacy policy, etc. for personal information protection

In order to further improve our efforts to protect personal information, or to respond to changes in laws and regulations and other norms, we have established a privacy policy, disclosure matters based on the "Personal Information Protection Act", procedures for disclosure, etc. may change without notice.